Exposure to the sun over time damages the skin and induces it to produce an uneven pattern of pigmentation. If the exposure to the sun continues, very dark “liver spots” can also develop. An uneven skin tone is one of the most obvious signs of aging. Some studies have shown that people unconsciously notice uneven skin tone more than other signs of aging, such as wrinkles and graying hair. One of the main reasons why women apply makeup is to try to make their skin tone appear uniform. Having an even, uniform skin tone can make everyone look five to ten years younger.
How it Works
Laser skin resurfacing is a procedure that uses a laser to remove the outer layer of skin. Laser skin resurfacing has been used to treat wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, discolored areas, and uneven skin tone. The laser vaporizes the outer layers of dead skin cells. This procedure induces the skin to grow a new layer of skin. The new layer of skin is not as damaged as the old layer, and therefore it has a more even skin tone, fewer lines and wrinkles, and a fresher appearance.
Types of Lasers
There are two types of lasers in common use: the CO2 laser and the Erbium laser. Fractionated CO2 lasers are very effective at vaporizing the outer layer of skin while causing minimal damage to deeper layers. The Erbium laser causes even less damage to underlying tissues and therefore has a shorter recovery period.
What to Expect
To even out the complexion, the entire face needs to be treated. Most patients will need general anesthesia; some can be treated under sedation with a local anesthetic. An entire face resurfacing takes two to three hours, plus some time to recover from the anesthetic. Patients should arrange for a ride home and should plan to spend several days resting.
The face will be bandaged after the procedure for about 24 hours. After removal of the bandages, the face will need to be cleaned and treated several times a day to help prevent scabs and scarring. The face will be swollen and red for the first three or four days, and then it will start itching and peeling.
It takes two to three weeks to heal from a fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing. An Erbium laser treatment may require only a week of healing. The full effect of the treatment won’t be apparent until two to three months after the treatment, when the skin has fully resurfaced itself.
In order to retain the new, even skin tone produced by a laser skin resurfacing procedure it is vital that the new skin be diligently protected from the sun. Apply a sunscreen every day and wear a hat and sunglasses if going outdoors between 10 am and 4 pm, even if it’s cloudy or cold outside.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you’re ready to experience all the age-defying benefits of laser skin resurfacing, Rejuvenate Med Spa can help. At Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, our medical team will work with you to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs and aesthetic goals. We offer a variety of different skin treatments to help you get the best possible results. Contact Rejuvenate Med Spa today to schedule your consultation.