Spider veins are very small, radiating outward from a central branch point. Because they develop just beneath the skin, they are quite visible regardless of the individual’s skin tone. Several treatment options are available to erase these tiny blood vessels, but we suggest laser therapy for spider vein removal because it targets the veins without causing damage to the surrounding tissue.
The procedure is simple and can be performed in-house, with no downtime requirements following the treatment. If you are concerned about your appearance because of spider vein development, we encourage you to learn more about how laser treatment works and how it can eliminate these small blood vessels.
Who is a Candidate for Laser Treatment?
Lasers are the preferred method for getting rid of spider veins because they use focused, monochromatic light that targets the blood vessel walls. Before treatment is performed, we consult with the client and examine the involved veins closely.
It’s also important for us to determine whether the problem is a symptom of another larger and more serious medical condition.
How is Laser Treatment Performed
The laser is a handheld instrument that produces a thin, highly focused beam of light. The light is high-energy, but is only absorbed by certain tissues.
The laser is calibrated so that the frequency matches what is required for the energy to be absorbed by blood vessel tissue.
After the Treatment
The area that was treated may be slightly reddish for a few days. The active vein that remains will once again allow blood flow as it did before. Individuals can resume their normal activities at once.
It’s a good idea to keep the treated area covered with clothing to avoid direct sun exposure until the discoloration is completely gone.
Find Out If Laser Treatment is Right for You
Spider veins are unsightly, but they can be eliminated without the need for surgery. If you are concerned about these annoying discolorations and are self-conscious about your appearance, visit Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook to learn how easy it is to get rid of them through laser treatment.
We are here to help you every step of the way in your journey to finally getting rid of those unsightly veins. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.