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Ultherapy for Youthful-Looking Skin


The condition of your skin plays one of the biggest roles in your appearance. Even if you have very attractive features, but your skin is rough, filled with acne or has a blotchy tone, other individuals are going to notice this and judge you based on it. Also, when you look in the mirror, you are not going to feel confident in your appearance.

Something else that can affect your skin is premature aging. When you spend a lot of time in the sun, when you are exposed to a variety of environmental factors and when your genetics are at work, you may look a lot older than you really are. Ultherapy® may be what you need in order to have youthful-looking and healthy skin.

Most people are familiar with some of the most popular cosmetic procedures on the market. Almost everyone has heard of a chemical peel, microdermabrasion and BOTOX® injections. However, not everyone has heard about Ultherapy®. This treatment uses ultrasound in order to give you more youthful-looking skin. It encourages your body to use its own regenerative powers in order to lift your skin and counteract the effect that time has had on it. It is a great tool that can be used to improve the skin on your face, neck and chest area.

This is a unique and amazing treatment because it is able to lift the skin. It has been approved by the FDA in order to do this. It is a non-invasive treatment, meaning that you do not have to face any of the risks or negative side effects that would come with another skin lifting technique. For example, many individuals undergo facelifts in order to lift their skin and give them a more youthful appearance. However, with Ultherapy®, you do not have to worry about any of the risks that come with surgery. Your skin will be lifted without any incisions, downtime or risks.

Despite its many benefits, Ultherapy® is not designed to replace a facelift. You will not get the exact same results from Ultherapy® that you will from a facelift. However, this is a great alternative for individuals who are not ready to use such an invasive treatment or who do not qualify for treatment. It has also proved to be very useful for individuals who have already had some cosmetic work done and would like to extend the effects of that work.

In addition to the fact that you will not have any downtime after using this treatment, you do not even need to spend a lot of time in our office. If you are going to have your face and neck treated, you will likely only be in our office for about an hour. If you include a chest treatment, you may be in the office for about 30 minutes longer.

Another benefit that comes from Ultherapy® is that most individuals feel very comfortable during the procedure. Ultrasound energy is delivered in tiny amounts at precise depths in the skin. You should not feel any discomfort after the procedure has been completed.

If you have been looking for a non-surgical way to achieve youthful-looking skin, consider Ultherapy® at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation to learn more.

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