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Dysport for Natural-Looking Results


With age comes fine lines, wrinkles and other such signs of time etched on our face. Some of these are deeper and more prominent than others. Frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead furrows can make you look tired, worried and older than your years. These deep wrinkles don’t respond to creams or potions. Fortunately, there’s Dysport®, a cosmetic injectable treatment that is FDA-approved to address these specific facial lines. This treatment has helped countless patients achieve excellent, natural-looking results.

About Dysport®

Lines that are caused by facial movement such as frowning, squinting and lip pursing are known as dynamic wrinkles. These facial wrinkles are often deeper and more severe than lines that simply occur due to time and sun exposure. Collagen, a natural component to healthy skin, decreases over time, leading these wrinkles to become permanent.

Dysport® is a temporary solution for reducing the appearance of moderate to severe facial lines. It works by relaxing the contraction of muscles in the region of the forehead and brow. This injectable blocks the signal that is sent from the nerve to the muscle in order to release the wrinkle above. A simple Dysport® treatment session may be all that is needed to smooth dynamic wrinkles like frown lines and crow’s feet, giving you a more youthful appearance.

What to Expect

Dysport® is a non-invasive procedure that is relatively quick. Your procedure may even be completed in less than 20 minutes. It is done in the convenience of our office. Since injections are involved, patients report only minimal discomfort during the treatment.

After Your Treatment

One great advantage of Dysport® is that there is no need for downtime. You can return to your regular routine immediately following the procedure. It is possible to experience some redness and swelling after the procedure, but these effects are typically quite minimal and temporary.

You can expect the results to last about four months, though additional sessions can be performed after 90 days.

How Can Dysport® Benefit You?

If you’d like to reduce the appearance of your frown lines and crow’s feet without the need for invasive surgery, this may be the procedure for you. Dysport® is a proven option for natural-looking results. Talk to the team at Rejuvenate Med Spa to learn more information about how this injectable can help you get amazing results. Our office is located in Oak Brook. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for Dysport®.

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