Rejuvenate Med Spa sells an enormous amount of Dysport compared to Botox. Most of our clients come to our office initially seeking Botox. Once they have been educated, they typically decide to use Dysport. It’s basically a Coke vs. Pepsi conversation, very much a personal preference. Rejuvenate Med Spa sells five times as much Dysport in our office compared to Botox. This means Rejuvenate Med Spa’s cost for Dysport product is much lower than Botox. This translates into huge savings for our clients. Allergan, the makers of Botox, have done an incredible job of marketing, and, therefore, most people are familiar with Botox but not Dysport.
What is a Neuro-Toxin?
Like Botox Cosmetic, Dysport is an injectable form of botulinum toxin Type A. Small amounts of the toxin are injected into specific wrinkle-causing muscles, paralyzing them. Neuro-toxins are great for all people who are looking to get rid of the signs of aging or help with wrinkles from sun damage. Neither of the neuro-toxins work immediately, and the effects take a couple of days to appear. Dysport fans like that their product starts to work after 1-2 days while Botox takes 3-5. Many of Rejuvenate’s clients prefer this faster-acting product for obvious reasons. Possible side effects for Dysport and Botox are the same. They include swelling, bruising, local numbness, or a burning sensation during treatment. A good injector will instruct clients to use ice after the procedure. To reduce the risk for side effects it is imperative that people make sure they are getting their injections from experienced practitioners in a safe and medical environment.
Deciding Which Product is Best for You
If you’re interested in learning more about Botox and Dysport, please call Rejuvenate Med Spa to schedule a consult. The most popular areas that can be treated are the forehead, the 11’s (the area between the eyes) and crow’s feet (around the eyes). Once you receive your treatment, you can go back to your daily activities (although no exercising for 24-hours and no lying down for 4-hours). Our team of experts will help ensure that you get the results you want.
Author: Christina Imes
Founder / Operations Manager