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What Services Are Offered at a Med Spa for Men?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when that beholder is you, and you’re not thrilled with what you see, there’s a way to change that, and a Med Spa is the best place to do it. Med Spas aren’t just for women: the services offered can help men increase their confidence and become their best selves. At Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, IL, we offer a wide range of men’s services that can help you become physically and aesthetically the best version of yourself.

The Med Spa Men’s Services

Aging is inevitable. You don’t want to look plastic, you might not want anyone to know you’ve had anything done, but you want to look better: and we can help. Whether you want to inconspicuously address the signs of aging on your face or you want to treat stubborn cat cells and finally get rid of those last five to ten pounds, we have a service that will help you achieve your desired look. We offer the following men’s services can help you look your best, whatever your reason:


Med Spa Services for the Body

Targeting Body Fat

You work out. You eat clean (most of the time). But, those last five to ten pounds just won’t budge, and it’s driving you crazy. We have a few different services that can solve this dilemma effectively and naturally. No one will know that you did anything to get rid of those last few pounds, but they will notice that you look good and will be wondering what your secret is.


Smartlipo is a treatment that targets the areas of the body that seem to hold on to stubborn fat no matter how hard you exercise or how clean you eat. If you have stubborn fat that won’t seem to let go in the stomach area, the neck, or your love handles, this minimally invasive treatment can help get rid of it once and for all.

What Does It Do?

If you’re a seasoned exercise enthusiast, you’re probably well aware that you can’t spot train areas of the body to lose fat. Typically, fat loss is comprehensive, but with this treatment, you can defy the laws of typical fat loss. Smartlipo uses laser technology to destroy fat cells. The laser targets the fat cells and turns them into liquid. A small tube is then used to suction the liquified fat from the body, ridding you of it forever.

What Are the Benefits?

This treatment helps you shape the areas that have previously been defined by stubborn fat cells and gives you the definition you’ve been tirelessly and unsuccessfully attempting to obtain with weight loss. It’s quick, it’s effective, and it gives you immediate results with minimal downtime. Most people only require one treatment to see results, and as a bonus, it also helps increase the body’s natural collagen production.


CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved treatment that targets stubborn fat cells, freezes them, and destroys them. The body then naturally flushes them away. It is an effective treatment that targets fat cells in the abdomen, love handles, and the area beneath the chin that can make you look like you are heavier than you are.

What Does It Do?

This treatment will give you the toned look in your problem areas that you’ve been unable to achieve with diet and exercise alone. This treatment capitalizes on the effectiveness of Cryolipolysis technology which freezes the fat cells in your problem areas. Once frozen, the fat cells die and your body absorbs the dead fat cells and within the next few months, they’re flushed from the body. This process rids the body of the fat permanently.

What Are The Benefits?

Once you undergo this treatment, you’ll see natural results that will appear within two to three months. Results will continue to improve over the course of six months, giving you a natural fat reduction instead of a drastic one. Once your problem areas are treated, results are permanent.

Put an End to Excessive Sweating

Sweating is normal and helps the body release toxins. But what if you are sweating excessively, so much so that it is affecting your daily life aside from what would be considered normal during workouts? Excessive sweating is embarrassing, especially if it is ruining your shirts and making you feel self-conscious, but we have a solution.

BOTOX for Hyperhidrosis

When you hear the term Botox, you probably think of the role it plays in treating wrinkles and fine lines. However, Botox can also effectively treat hyperhidrosis, which is the technical term for excessive sweating.

What Does It Do?

Botox for hyperhidrosis works by disabling the nerves in your underarm region that are responsible for the activation of the sweat glands. As a result, when the nerves are temporarily disabled, they cannot send messages to the sweat glands, and you therefore can no longer profusely sweat.

What Are the Benefits?

The main benefit of this treatment is that it keeps you from sweating excessively. The treatment is fast, effective, and begins to work relatively quickly. Results last anywhere from four months to one year, depending on how quickly your body metabolizes the ingredients in the injectable. You’ll no longer have to worry about wet spots on your dress shirts or dripping sweat in social situations for no apparent reason.

Get Rid of Unwanted Hair

It’s no secret that men have more body hair than women, but how much is too much? If you have hair that makes you feel self-conscious or unattractive, there’s a way to get rid of it for good. When you choose laser hair removal to get rid of your unwanted hair, you will no longer have to mess with shaving or other temporary hair removal methods to get rid of that hair, especially the hair in those hard to reach areas like your back.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a way to permanently remove any unwanted hair from your back, arms, neck, hands, feet, or anywhere else you have hair through the use of laser treatments.

What Does It Do?

The light in the laser is attracted to hair pigment. Once it passes over the areas where you want to remove hair, it targets the hair follicles and kills them, so that they don’t grow back again.

What Are the Benefits?

The primary benefit of this treatment is that after a few sessions, you will be rid of your unwanted for good. Treatments are quick, painless, and typically only last a few minutes. You won’t have to spend more time or money on temporary at-home methods of hair removal following your treatments.

Med Spa Services for the Face


You may not want to tell anyone you got Botox, but Brotox is something you may be able to agree to. Botox injections don’t have to be noticeable or make you look like a different person; treatments are completely customizable and can be specifically tailored to your needs.

What Does It Do?

Brotox uses Botox injections to freeze the muscles causing your fine lines, wrinkles, and frown lines and inhibit them from moving. When these muscles can no longer move to make the repetitive expressions that cause aging lines and wrinkles, the skin regains the smooth appearance of your younger years and you’ll look like an improved version of yourself.

What Are the Benefits?

If you have moderate to deep forehead lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, or frown lines, Brotox will help smooth out your appearance, helping you look more rested and alert. The administration of the injections only takes a few minutes and can be performed during your lunch break. Results are long-lasting, so you’ll experience wrinkle-free, smooth skin anywhere from four to six months.

Custom Facials for Men

Facials aren’t just for women; skincare is an important aspect of self-care that should be a staple in every man’s routine. You could easily start to feel crazy trying to choose the best products for your skin, especially if you’re completely inexperienced when it comes to skincare. We offer custom facials specifically designed for men that help take the guesswork out of a skincare routine.

What Do They Do?

Not sure where to begin when it comes to skincare? Are you clueless about your skin type and unsure as to what your problem areas even are? When you choose a custom facial designed for men, our expert estheticians can analyze your skin and choose the best products and treatments based on your needs.

What Are the Benefits?

Facials provide you with a chance to relax and decompress from the stresses of your day, whether at home or work. You’ll also be investing in your skin and will see noticeable improvements. Not only can we analyze your skin during a facial, but we can also develop a customized treatment plan that provides you with a simple line-up of products.

These will help you begin a manageable skincare routine at home to keep your skin fresh and healthy between visits.

Restylane Lyft for Cheeks

Volume loss is a natural part of the aging process, but sometimes too much volume loss too early can make you look years older than you are. Restylane Lyft for cheeks helps add natural-looking volume to the areas of your face that have experienced volume loss so that you can put your best face forward.

What Does It Do?

Restylane Lyft is a dermal filler made of hyaluronic acid, a substance produced by the body naturally, that when injected, adds volume and reduces the appearance of sagging facial skin. It restores volume and youth within minutes.

What Are the Benefits?

This dermal filler helps you regain a youthful appearance that is both subtle and natural. It’s fast-acting, meaning you’ll see improvements to your problem areas immediately, and it is long-lasting. Results last up to six months.

Kybella for the Double Chin

No one wants to look in the mirror or see a picture of themselves on social media with a double chin. If you have excess fat beneath your chin that makes you feel self-conscious or appear heavier than you are, Kybella is the solution to your problems.

What Does It Do?

The main ingredient in Kybella is Deoxycholic acid, a substance found in the body which helps it to break down and then absorb fat. When injected, Kybella’s active ingredient targets the fat cells beneath the chin and destroys them. The body then naturally removes them over the course of several weeks, making your results gradual instead of drastic ones that scream to the world that you went and had something done.

What Are the Benefits?

Once your results show up, they will be permanent. The fat removed from the area beneath your chin will be gone for good. You can enjoy the sculpted jawline that better suits your body type and you won’t have to worry about being in photos where your double chin is the focal point. Maintaining your exercise and diet routine will ensure long-lasting results.

Schedule Your Anti-Aging Men’s Services Today

Whether you’re feeling less than your best because of excess fat that you just can’t seem to lose, you have a problem with sweating, unwanted hair, or you look in the mirror and see someone who looks older than you feel, there is a treatment that can help you feel confident in your own skin. Contact us today at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, IL, and schedule one of these effective men’s services that will help restore your youth and boost your confidence.

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