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A Guide to the Most Effective Body Contouring Treatments

Body Contouring

At Rejuvenate Med Spa in Chicago, IL, body contouring treatments are some of our most popular services. Body contouring treatments offer non-invasive solutions to shaping and sculpting your body so that you can achieve your desired results. If you’ve ever wondered, “What is body contouring?” you’re in the right place.

What Is Body Contouring?

“Body contouring” is a rather broad term used to describe a range of procedures designed to tone, reshape, and improve the body’s overall appearance. Treatments are versatile because they can target various parts of the body, including:

The significant advantage of non-surgical body contouring treatments is that they’re non-invasive, which means you can avoid the risks and downtime associated with surgery.

Types of Body Contouring

Non-surgical body sculpting treatments use various technologies to target and eliminate fat cells under the skin while tightening the skin itself. These procedures are much less invasive than traditional surgery and often provide noticeable results without discomfort or downtime. Some of the most effective body contouring methods include Ultherapy, CoolSculpting, and Kybella.

Ultherapy for the Body

Ultherapy is one type of non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses ultrasound technology to generate heat in the deeper layers of the skin. The generated heat stimulates your body’s natural collagen production process, which lifts and tightens the skin in order to create a more toned appearance. 

Ultherapy can be used on the face or on targeted areas of the body, such as:

Ultherapy treatments take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes, after which you can immediately resume your day. Results are visible within a few weeks since your body needs time to generate collagen, and they often last longer than a year.


CoolScupting is another popular non-surgical body sculpting treatment that relies on cryolipolysis technology. CoolSculpting involves freezing fat cells in order to destroy them. Once they’re destroyed, your body absorbs and naturally eliminates them.

CoolSculpting appointments usually take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes per treatment area. So the overall duration of your treatment depends heavily on the size and number of areas being treated during a single session.

Many patients notice results within three weeks of treatment, but dramatic results are usually visible after several weeks since it takes time for your body to absorb and eliminate the dead fat. CoolSculpting results are considered long-lasting since, technically, the fat cells are permanently destroyed and eliminated. Those same cells will never regrow. 

However, that doesn’t mean you cannot gain new fat. This is why it’s important that you support your CoolSculpting results with a balanced diet and regular exercise in order to maintain your results.

Kybella for Double Chins

For stubborn fat under your chin, Kybella is one of the best contouring treatments. Kybella is an injectable treatment that uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a molecule naturally present in the body.

Deoxycholic acid helps your body break down and absorb dietary fat. When Kybella is injected into the fat beneath the chin, the formula works to destroy fat cells so they can be absorbed and eliminated from the body, similarly to the way CoolSculpting works.

Results for Kybella are typically seen after two to four treatment sessions. Kybella is one of the quickest treatments since a single session only takes about 15 or 20 minutes. Though, sometimes, treatment can last longer depending on the individual patient’s needs.

Like CoolSculpting, the fat cells destroyed by Kybella are gone for good. Also like CoolSculpting, new fat can accumulate if the results are not supported by diet and exercise.

Are Body Contouring Treatments Weight Loss Solutions?

Body contouring is not a weight loss solution, as these two types of treatments serve completely different purposes and are designed to address different concerns. Weight loss procedures are primarily intended for individuals who require significant weight loss, such as those living with obesity. Many weight loss procedures involve reducing the size of the stomach organ itself.

Body contouring procedures, on the other hand, aren’t designed for weight loss. Instead, they’re aesthetic procedures that aim to sculpt and shape the body according to your goals by targeting stubborn pockets of fat and loose skin that aren’t responsive to diet and exercise.

Body contouring treatments are ideal for individuals who are close to their goal weights but want to alter or refine their body shape. However, these treatments do not replace living a healthy lifestyle. They are complementary procedures that help enhance the results of your weight loss or healthy lifestyle by addressing specific problem areas.

Who Is Body Contouring Appropriate for?

Body contouring is appropriate for individuals who are in good health, as certain medical conditions can interfere with treatment. They should also be non-smokers since smoking can interfere with healing. Individuals should also be at or near their ideal body weight since body contouring treatments are not weight-loss methods and will only provide noticeable results on stubborn fat.

It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that these treatments do not completely transform your body; instead, they enhance the work you’ve already done to lose weight and live a balanced lifestyle. If you’re wondering if you’d make a good candidate for Ultherapy, CoolSculpting, or Kybella, contact us for a consultation.

Non-Surgical Body Contouring in Chicago, IL

At Rejuvenate Med Spa, we offer various types of non-invasive body contouring to help you achieve the body you’ve been working for! Learn more about our services and how you can schedule a non-invasive body contouring treatment by contacting our med spa today.

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