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What is ‘Ozempic Face’ and How to Treat it With Filler

ozempic face fillers

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In late 2017, Ozempic entered the US market following its approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Since then, it’s become even more popularized by several celebrities, but surprisingly enough, not for the diabetes treatment it was originally intended for.


Ozempic – with the generic name being ‘Semaglutide’ – has since gained public attention for its use in weight loss. But what is often de-emphasized are the side effects that come with the rapid and significant weight loss (defined as >15% of body weight): One of these is Ozempic face.


To treat Ozempic face, plastic surgery is often touted as the solution. But what if avoiding surgical interventions altogether, even for weight loss, was the patient’s primary goal in the first place?


Thankfully, there’s a non-surgical solution: dermal fillers.


In this article, we’ll explore what Ozempic face is, how it happens and the role of fillers in Ozempic face.


What is Ozempic Face?

A term informally used, Ozempic face can be defined as a set of facial side effects associated with the use of the medication, Ozempic. Characterized by underlying facial fat loss and facial aging, Ozempic face goes beyond an aesthetic concern as it can impact one’s self-esteem and overall sense of well-being.


While not everyone on Ozempic will experience these changes, and to varying degrees, it’s important to be aware.


But it’s also crucial to know why it happens.


Why Does Ozempic Face Happen?

If you consider the underlying factors, the facial changes noticed aren’t surprising at all.


According to research on facial aging, the way the face looks as we grow up is because of changes in its shape and structure over time. This is why Ozempic face is especially common in people in their 40s and 50s, due to impaired collagen production.


But that’s not all.


The rapid weight loss caused by this medication is what puts the “Ozempic” in this equation. The skin doesn’t have enough time to remodel and regain its shape as quickly as the pounds are being shed.


This creates the right recipe for the symptoms seen in Ozempic face.


In summary, Ozempic face is what happens when an already-aging face (which happens daily as we grow older) meets rapid and significant weight loss due to the use of Ozempic.


Solution to Ozempic Face – Fillers

When treating Ozempic face, it’s critical to get a medical provider’s consultation on how best to treat your face.


At Rejuvenate, we have found that one of the best ways to treat Ozempic face is with the use of dermal fillers. Compared to a surgical intervention, this is a minimally invasive option that gives you a shorter healing time so you can get back to your regular routine as soon as possible.


Fillers provide a non-surgical way to restore facial volume and improve appearance, making them a more convenient and less risky option for some people. But what are fillers anyway, and what should you expect when getting them?


Fillers 101


– What are Fillers?

Fillers are made of hyaluronic acid or bioactive ingredients that are carefully formulated for injection into the skin to replenish lost volume. Because they are compatible with our body’s biology, they are well tolerated with minimal risk of causing adverse reactions.


Fillers can help to restore volume in areas where fat pads begin to separate. In addition, they can also augment areas, e.g. lips, cheeks and jawline.


Common filler materials include:


– What to Expect with Fillers

The process typically begins with your consultation.


During your consultation, we’ll discuss your goals, concerns and expectations. Our qualified healthcare providers will also assess your facial structure, skin condition and background medical state.


You’ll also be informed about the available dermal filler options so that together, we can conclude on the treatment plan most suited for you and your specific needs.


Concerned about costs?


Well, the cost of fillers depends on factors such as the type of filler you get, the number of syringes recommended to achieve your best look, etc. These will also be discussed.


Of course, informed consent will be required.


The procedure itself is relatively quick, often taking less than an hour. This could also depend on the injector.


We’ll also manage any discomfort during the procedure.


With fillers, the results are visible immediately after the treatment. As soon as the filler is injected, you’ll notice increased volume and smoothness in the treated areas.


You should expect your filler to last you 6 – 18 months, though exact results will depend on the type of filler used and the area injected.


You should also be aware of the potential side effects of filler, which include:

But not to worry, these are temporary and can be easily managed with painkillers, as advised by your injector.


Alongside, you’ll also receive post-procedure instructions.


– What to Do After Getting Fillers


How to Get Fillers – Get a Complimentary Consultation at Rejuvenate Med Spa

Oh, that’s simple.


Visit Rejuvenate Med Spa, located at Oak Brook, for the best dermal filler treatments in Illinois. We believe in natural restoration for the best results. 

Here’s an extra tip from our experts:


“We advise no exercise for 48 hours after injections and also to avoid alcohol at this time.”


Ozempic face or not, fillers are a great way to revitalize your look and boost your self-confidence!


Whether you’re ready to get started with dermal fillers or need more clarification, you can take advantage of our complimentary consultation offer to you.


Chat with us today. We look forward to speaking with you.

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