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Different Types of JUVÉDERM® Fillers and Their Uses

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Offering a range of dermal fillers that cater to diverse aesthetic needs, JUVÉDERM has emerged as a leading name in the dynamic world of cosmetic enhancements. At Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, IL, we specialize in utilizing these innovative products to enhance natural beauty and counter the signs of aging. Let’s delve into the various types of JUVÉDERM fillers, their specific uses, and who benefits most from these treatments.


JUVÉDERM is a collection of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin, is known for its capacity to retain moisture and create a plump, hydrated look. JUVÉDERM fillers are injectable gels for smoothing wrinkles, restoring facial volume, and augmenting lips. The unique formulation of JUVÉDERM allows for tailored treatments, addressing specific concerns with precision.

What Are the Benefits of JUVÉDERM?

JUVÉDERM has become a household name in cosmetic treatments due to its wide array of benefits. Here are some of the critical advantages of choosing JUVÉDERM for aesthetic enhancements:

Immediate Results

One of the most striking benefits of JUVÉDERM is the immediacy of its results. Unlike some treatments that require time to manifest changes, JUVÉDERM offers visible improvements right after the treatment.

Natural-Looking Enhancement

JUVÉDERM fillers are designed to blend seamlessly with the body’s natural tissues, providing enhancements that look and feel natural. This subtlety is key for those who want noticeable yet understated changes.

Long-Lasting Effects

The effects of JUVÉDERM can last from several months to up to two years, depending on the specific product used. This duration provides a long-term solution for maintaining a youthful appearance. 

Minimal Downtime

JUVÉDERM treatments are highly regarded for convenience, mainly because they require little to no recovery time. After a session, patients typically experience no significant disruption to their everyday routines, enabling them to resume work and other daily obligations without pause.


JUVÉDERM offers a range of products tailored to specific areas and concerns. Whether it’s augmenting lips, smoothing lines, or restoring facial volume, there’s a JUVÉDERM product suited for the need.

Hydration Boost

The hyaluronic acid in JUVÉDERM not only fills wrinkles but also hydrates the skin. This hydration provides a healthy, radiant glow to the treated areas.

Customizable Volumes

The amount of JUVÉDERM used can be adjusted to meet individual aesthetic goals. This flexibility allows for tailored results, from subtle to more dramatic enhancements.

What Are the Different Types of JUVÉDERM and Their Uses?

In the realm of aesthetic enhancements, JUVÉDERM stands out for its diverse range of specialized fillers, each uniquely formulated to target specific areas of the face and address various cosmetic concerns. From restoring volume to sculpting and defining facial features, the versatility of JUVÉDERM products caters to a wide array of individual needs and preferences.


JUVÉDERM Voluma is specifically designed to restore volume to the cheeks and midface area. Natural fat loss can lead to a sunken or hollow appearance as we age. Voluma counters this by providing lift and contour, creating a more youthful profile. The effects of Voluma can last up to two years, making it one of the longest-lasting fillers in the JUVÉDERM range.


JUVÉDERM Vollure addresses moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. Its balanced consistency ensures a smooth, natural correction that blends seamlessly with the facial structure. Vollure’s results typically last up to 18 months.


For deeper lines and wrinkles, JUVÉDERM Ultra Plus is an excellent choice. It is a thicker formulation, suitable for more pronounced facial folds and enhancing facial contours. The effects of JUVÉDERM Ultra Plus can last approximately 12 months.

JUVÉDERM Volbella®

JUVÉDERM Volbella is tailored for subtle lip enhancement and smoothing of perioral lines, often called lipstick lines. Its fine consistency provides a natural-looking augmentation, perfect for those seeking a gentle enhancement of their lips. Volbella’s results are generally visible for up to 12 months.


JUVÉDERM Ultra excels in versatility, being effective for lip augmentation and correcting moderate facial wrinkles. It balances softness and structure, making it ideal for JUVÉDERM lip filler applications and facial rejuvenation. The enhancements from JUVÉDERM Ultra typically last around 12 months.

Who Makes a Good Candidate for JUVÉDERM?

Ideal candidates for JUVÉDERM filler treatments are individuals seeking to address signs of aging, such as wrinkles and volume loss, or those who wish to enhance certain facial features like lips. Good candidates are generally healthy, have realistic expectations, and understand what JUVÉDERM treatments can achieve. Discussing your medical history and aesthetic goals with us is important to determine if JUVÉDERM is right for you.

Refresh Your Look With JUVÉDERM in Oak Brook, IL

JUVÉDERM offers a versatile and effective solution for various cosmetic concerns. Whether adding volume to the cheeks with Voluma, smoothing nasolabial folds with Vollure, enhancing lips with Volbella or Ultra, or tackling deeper wrinkles with Ultra Plus, JUVÉDERM provides tailored results that are beautiful and natural-looking. The longevity of the results combined with minimal downtime makes JUVÉDERM a popular choice for those seeking aesthetic enhancements.

At Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, IL, we offer JUVÉDERM. The treatment consists of a smooth gel formula derived from hyaluronic acid, which can add volume to the face and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Whether you’re looking to enhance your lips or fill in deep folds, JUVÉDERM can help you achieve your aesthetic goals with natural-looking results. To learn more about our JUVÉDERM treatment or to schedule a consultation with us, please contact us online or call us at (630) 974-6436.

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