Have you been working out and eating a healthy diet and yet you still have some persistent fat deposits on your body? Well, there’s a remarkable non-surgical solution for you. Smartlipo is a modern technique that eradicates unwanted fat, giving you that slim and fit body. This is an improved version of the traditional liposuction technique.
How does Smartlipo work?
Firstly, the patient is taken to a surgical suite, after which the specialist carefully directs a laser beam, through a small cannula, on the treatment spot. In doing this, the laser energy causes the fat cells to liquefy and disintegrate, making it easy to remove them from the body. In some cases, local anesthesia may be introduced.
Benefits of Smartlipo
1.Optimal resource requirement
With the conventional surgical procedure comes a great deal of activities such as securing an operation room, medical staff and equipment. However, Smartlipo only requires a trained professional and the laser-assisted liposuction device to undertake the procedure.
This fat removal procedure only takes a short amount of time, depending on the patient’s needs. Subsequently, the procedure prevents fat accumulation for a long time.
3.Multiple applications
Specialists in this field are able to successfully melt and dispose of unwanted fat from various body regions.
4.Less invasive
Let’s admit it – patients would rather opt for less discomfort and procedures that have minimal side effects to their bodies. On this note, the Smartlipo procedure ensures that you are comfortable with no major complications.
5.Tightens the skin
As the laser energy melts away the chunks of belly fat, an additional skin layer is produced. To prevent it from sagging, a coagulation process is triggered throughout the procedure.
Smartlipo is easy and simple. Make an appointment at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook to learn more, and also check out our Rejuvenate Med Spa Reviews page. Contact us today to book a consultation.