If you’re wanting to undergo a fat removal treatment and are interested in looking your best, then consider CoolSculpting® at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook. Not only can it take care of that extra bit of fat, but it can do this without invasive surgery, with little to no recovery time, and with other benefits. We all have busy schedules these days, and lengthy recoveries are not always an option.
CoolSculpting® is gaining more and more popularity, especially among those who don’t want to or cannot spend large amounts of time recovering. You can help yourself in getting the figure you want, and do so without aggressive techniques, drugs, or downtime.
How It Works
By cooling specific areas with specialized equipment, the targeted fat cells are frozen and thus disabled, and then are flushed out of your body through natural processes. The fat goes away gradually, and leaving very natural-looking results.
Remember when you ate popsicles as a child and your lips and face would go numb? That’s a much more subdued version of the same process (and was actually the inspiration for this technology). Since children have much higher concentrations of fatty acids than adults, you can actually observe this from something that simple, but us grown-ups have to use a more targeted approach.
What Sets It Apart?
Without invasive surgery, your recovery time is basically nil, and there is no significant discomfort. You can leave each session and simply go about your usual day while your body goes to work to get rid of the fat. It’s about as natural as it can get!
What to Expect
Are you looking to achieve your dream figure? It all starts with a consultation. If you find that your desired figure is just out of reach, and you don’t want to sacrifice your valuable time for lengthy and complicated procedures that leave you down-and-out for days, CoolSculpting® is a great option to consider. Take a look at our Rejuvenate Med Spa Reviews page to learn more, and contact us today to schedule a consultation at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook.