Have you tried to get rid of unwanted fat, only to fall short of your goals or see the fat return? Would you like a treatment that can help you get rid of problem areas without leaving loose skin behind? Smart Lipo, a body contouring treatment offered by Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, IL, is a minimally invasive way of tackling love handles, heavy thighs, and other areas that you’d like to slim down. For patients who have problem spots that haven’t responded to diet and exercise, this type of liposuction offers a number of benefits.
What Is Smart Lipo?
This treatment destroys fat cells in the targeted area and leaves the skin smoother and tighter. During treatment, a small tube with a laser tip is inserted through an incision in the skin and gently fanned back and forth through the area of concern. This process melts the fat cells so they are easy to remove, and those liquefied fat cells are then siphoned out of the body through the tube, which is known as a cannula. As a side benefit, the heat associated with the laser stimulates collagen production in the treatment area, which prevents sagging and dimpling and leaves the surface of the skin smooth and taut.
How Long Will This Treatment Take?
The length of treatment depends in part on the scope of your area of concern. But for most patients, treatment can be completed in under two hours.
Is This Treatment Uncomfortable?
Treatments are offered in our chic and modern practice, which means patients don’t have to worry about the hassle and inconvenience of a hospital visit. A local anesthetic is used during treatment, and the area of concern is numbed completely. Patients may feel slight pressure during the treatment, but they will feel no pain or discomfort. Most patients are surprised at how easy the treatment is.
What Is the Recovery Like?
The recovery associated with this type of treatment is fairly minimal. Some of our patients take it easy for a day or two after treatment, but others get back to their normal schedules almost immediately. We do ask that patients wear a snug-fitting compression garment over the treatment area for a week or two. The purpose of this garment is to help the skin adapt to the body’s new shape and speed healing.
Is There a Limit to the Amount of Fat I Can Have Removed?
The amount of fat that is taken from the body during treatment varies depending on the patient and his or her body type and cosmetic goals. The area of the body that’s being treated can also influence how much fat is removed. As a general of thumb, five liters of fat is about the most that can be removed during one treatment.
What Are the Benefits of Smart Lipo?
When patients first learn about this treatment, which is sometimes referred to as Laser Lipo, they’re often excited about the convenience. Most patients need only one treatment, and because the recovery time is quick, Laser Lipo can be worked into their schedule with a minimum of hassle. But there are a number of other benefits associated with this treatment, included its customizable nature and the fact that it can be used all over the body.
A Customized Treatment
The Laser Lipo system that we use has three different laser wavelengths, which means we can customize treatments based on the needs and desires of each individual patient. This type of liposuction can also be combined with other cosmetic treatments, depending on a patient’s aesthetic goals. Chemical peels, Bellafill, and Botox are among the treatments patients frequently seek out in conjunction with Laser Lipo.
Can Be Used All Over the Body
This type of liposuction can address fatty areas all over the body, including the thighs, arms, buttocks, abdomen, and legs. The precision of this treatment also means it can be used in seemingly tricky areas like the face and neck. For some patients, we’ve even used these treatments to sculpt the jawline.
Smooths and Tightens Skin
A unique benefit of this treatment is its ability to leave the affected area smoother and tighter. In addition to getting rid of unwanted fat, the coagulating effect of Laser Lipo can leave the skin with a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. This means you’ll get rid of the unwanted fat, but you won’t have sagging, loose skin left behind.
A Solution for Stubborn Fat
Laser Lipo is an effective solution for your most stubborn fatty areas. These are the fat deposits that just won’t budge no matter how disciplined you are with your diet and exercise. When patients lose weight, they tend to lose weight all over the body and not necessarily in the areas they are targeting. The great thing about Laser Lipo is that it can hone in on exactly the spots you’d most like to address to achieve the sculpted figure you’ve been working towards.
Immediate Results
One of the most notable benefits of this type of liposuction is that it’s effective. There are a number of body contouring treatments available, and many of them work by heating, freezing, or otherwise manipulating the fat cells in ways that cause them to break down and flush from the system over time.
Smart Lipo, on the other hand, directly removes the bulk of the targeted fat cells during treatment, so the patient sees results immediately. The remaining fat cells will drain naturally from the body over the ensuing six or eight weeks.
Long-Lasting Changes
Another significant advantage of Laser Lipo is that it permanently kills off fat cells, ensuring that your results are long-lasting. You’ll need to work to maintain your results, though, with a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise. If you regain a significant amount of weight, your results will be reduced.
A Safe Treatment
The technology behind Smart Lipo was approved by the FDA in 2006. This is a safe and effective treatment option that has been successfully used on men and women all over the country.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
Laser Lipo can be used on both men and women and works effectively on patients with all types and tones of skin. There are several signs that you may be an ideal candidate for this fat-fighting treatment:
You’re Close to Your Ideal Weight
Laser Lipo won’t help you drastically shed pounds, so the best patients are not too far over their ideal weight. These are patients who simply need a little help attacking persistent fatty areas. If weight loss is your primary goal, a more traditional diet and exercise plan may be the best approach for you.
You’re in Good Health
As with most treatments, it helps if you’re a non-smoker in good physical health. If you have any underlying medical conditions, be sure to mention them during your consultation. Patients who are pregnant or currently breastfeeding are encouraged to seek treatment at a later date.
You’re Realistic
Most patients are very satisfied with their results, but with any cosmetic treatment, it’s important that patients be realistic about outcomes and emotionally stable enough to cope with the changes the body will undergo.
There’s Still Elasticity in Your Skin
Patients who have a strong degree of skin elasticity often enjoy especially good results with this treatment. Skin elasticity, which tends to decline with age, helps the skin contract and adapt to the new shape the body will have after treatment.
How Does This Compare With Regular Liposuction?
Most of us grew up hearing about liposuction treatments, which have been around since the 1970s. Smart Lipo is essentially an upgraded version of regular liposuction that is easier on the body, offers a faster recovery, and delivers more refined results. The primary difference between regular and Laser Lipo is the use of the laser. Involving a laser speeds and eases the removal of fat and results in a less invasive and more targeted treatment. The tighter, smoother skin that is generally associated with Laser Lipo is another difference between the two treatments.
What Other Treatment Options Do I Have?
Some patients who are looking to shed stubborn fat also consider CoolSculpting, another treatment offered by our practice. CoolSculpting essentially freezes fats cells to kill them. Those fat cells then drain naturally from the body through the lymphatic system over a period of weeks. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive treatment that involves no downtime, but most patients require a series of treatments to see results. CoolSculpting tends to yield more subtle results, and it does not take care of sagging or excess skin.
What Changes Will I Notice After Laser Lipo?
Most patients are thrilled with their results, which become fully apparently about eight weeks after the treatment. By getting rid of your fatty problem areas while leaving the curves you like intact, Laser Lipo can give you the healthy, contoured physique you want. Most patients are relieved to have the problem spots they’ve been grappling with for years finally under control. They report higher levels of self-confidence, and everyday activities like climbing stairs and carrying bags of groceries become easier. Getting dressed in the morning becomes fun again once slim-cut pants and tailored shirts fit the way you want.
Will Laser Lipo Address My Cellulite?
Cellulite can be tricky to treat. This condition develops when fat starts to build up under the skin, putting pressure on the fibrous bands that run between the skin and the muscles that lie beneath. Laser Lipo is not specifically designed to address cellulite, although, in some patients, the fat-fighting nature of this treatment may help minimize its appearance. If cellulite reduction is your primary goal, our office offers another type of treatment that can specifically address that concern.
How Can I Get Started With Laser Lipo?
If you’re interested in Laser Lipo, the first step is to schedule a consultation in our office. During this appointment, we’ll review your medical history, including any medications you are currently taking. We’ll also talk with you about the problem areas you’d like to address as well as any other cosmetic goals you have. During your appointment, we’ll determine whether this treatment is the right one for you. We’ll also discuss any complementary treatments that can help you achieve the goals you have for your body. After that, it’s just a matter of scheduling your treatment.
Take the First Step
Are you ready to get your body back? Are you ready to say goodbye to love handles, bra bulges, heavy thighs, and other frustrating problem spots? At our state-of-the-art facility, we bring beauty and technology together to give our patients the results they’ve been waiting for. Take the first step today by calling Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, IL and scheduling a Smart Lipo consultation.