At Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, Illinois, we know a thing or two about Dysport injections. Dysport has been growing in popularity over the last several years after proving itself to be a worthwhile treatment for fine lines and wrinkles.
What Is Dysport?
Dysport is a prescription injection that is proven to help smooth out moderate-to-severe facial lines and wrinkles without changing the overall look or muscle ability of the face. Approved in 69 countries with over 25 years of clinical experience throughout the world, 97% of women who have been treated with this option say they would happily do it again, according to recent independent surveys.
Although similar to Botox, there are a few differences in how they work and the efficacy of the treatments over time. This treatment has quickly grown in popularity thanks to its many benefits and the quality of results that one can expect from the treatment.
Causes of Lines and Wrinkles on the Face
There are many reasons for developing wrinkles and fine lines across the face. Some reasons for wrinkles and lines are more obvious than others. When considering treatment, it is first important to recognize where your wrinkles or creases have come from so you can ensure the best possible long-term results. While there are hundreds of causes for wrinkles and facial lines, these are some of the most common:
As we age, our skin’s natural elasticity and ability to produce collagen will decrease. This can result in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly in the most-used areas of the face including the jawline and around the eyes. This process is the same for everyone, although for some it seems to come on quicker. This could be related to genetics or a number of other factors that can also help speed up the aging process.
The sun can also reduce the body’s natural levels of collagen which will have a negative impact on elasticity. UVA rays and UVB rays from the sun penetrate the skin’s deepest layers leading to a breakdown of the cells that help us maintain a more youthful appearance. Not only does staying out of the sun and tanning beds prevent you from sunburn or skin cancer, but it will also help your skin maintain a more youthful appearance.
Pollution is an environmental factor that can affect the aging process of your skin. When you hear the term “free radical damage,” it is most commonly referring to the damage done to the skin by air pollutants. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology actually found that women who lived within the confines of large cities had more wrinkles and age spots than did their peers found in rural areas.
Lack of Sleep
You may have heard the term “beauty sleep” more than once in your lifetime. While often used as a joke, the phrase does not come without merit.
Getting enough sleep is essential in helping your skin stay smooth. When we don’t sleep enough, the pH of our skin can actually be altered because during sleep is when toxins are flushed from the body. When these toxins are not flushed out, our skin has a hard time remaining youthful-looking and firm. The best way to ensure that your skin looks and feels its best at all times is to get a full 6-8 hours of rest nightly.
Do you feel like you are constantly on the run? People who live busy and stressful lives because of work or personal drama likely understand quickly how this can play a part in affecting their overall mental health. They may not immediately understand, though, that it affects them physically as well.
One physical manifestation of high stress is that your natural cortisol levels will reduce, affecting the skin’s ability to naturally rejuvenate itself. Cortisol is a critical structure of support for the skin that keeps it from developing wrinkles and deep creases.
Unhealthy Habits
Consuming too much sugar, smoking, and abusing alcohol use can all contribute to premature aging because of the toxins that are released into our body systems. While this is surely not a surprise, you might be more shocked to learn that not wearing your glasses, poor hygiene, and a lack of sun can all be problematic, as well.
Dry Skin
Dry skin is uncomfortable and itchy. It can also drastically speed up the process of your skin aging. Chronically dry skin is susceptible to wrinkles and fine lines because moisture is needed to “plump” the cells of the skin during the rejuvenation process. Investing in a nourishing skin cream will help reduce dryness and can help stave away the effects of aging over time.
Recognizing the causes of your wrinkles and lines will help you minimize their return after treatment. This will improve the long-term effects of your treatment.
10 Reasons Dysport Works
Gentle Potency
This treatment involves neuromodulators. This reduction method reduces wrinkles and fine lines by interrupting the body’s natural communication between nerves and muscles. Because of how your skin works, it will move over time from repeated tightening and loosening, forming creases.
Because of age and other factors, our skin tends to lose elasticity and collagen over time. This makes the creases more noticeable. This treatment uses a gentle chemical solution to interrupt these changes and reverse their effects without creating any other issues in the process.
While some similar treatments work best only for one or two areas of the face, this one can be used virtually anywhere. Besides improving wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, it can also reduce the appearance of a variety of other imperfections, particularly around the nose and mouth or even along the jawline, tightening the overall appearance of the face. It is also very popular as a treatment for a furrowed brow or forehead and creases in the neck.
Proven Results
While not as well-known as other competing brands or treatments, this treatment has been around for a long time. With over a decade of FDA approval for wrinkle and fine line reduction, physicians are more confident than ever with prescribing it as a treatment for those who could benefit from what it has to offer.
When choosing this treatment, you can do so comfortably, knowing your physician is not only confident in the results but also in how the process works and that there will be no surprise downsides to the treatment at a later time.
Many would like to create a noticeable aesthetic change to their appearance but don’t have the time available for more advanced procedures. Dysport is a straightforward process that takes only a matter of minutes. You can literally undergo this treatment in an afternoon off from work or even an extended lunch break.
This added convenience helps you make the treatment a regular part of your self-care routine, helping you to not only see the results you hope for, but also to feel better and more confident over time.
Overall, the cost of this treatment is much lower than alternative means of aesthetic facial treatments, like having a facelift or fillers. There are also frequent promotional coupons and sales from the manufacturer that you can use to help reduce the overall cost of the treatment.
Fast-Acting Efficacy
If you don’t want to wait for months to see the results of treatment, then this treatment provides fast-acting results to help you feel and look your best. Working quickly, this treatment will reduce wrinkles and fine lines almost immediately.
Although results will vary, people are generally happy with how quickly they see results and consider the fast-acting formula of the solution as one of the key benefits of the treatment.
Can Improve Mood
This treatment and others like it have long been touted as a solution for depression and other mood disorders, but with a varied response. While some believe the perceived improvement to mood is more psychological and related to a better sense of self-esteem thanks to the physical results, some studies point to other explanations.
At least one study has shown that the naturally-occurring chemicals contained in facial injections might actually increase the serotonin levels in the body, creating a chemical sense of happiness and overall wellbeing.
Individualized Formulas
Unlike Botox or Xeomin, this treatment uses unique chemical solutions that are specially formulated just for you and your situation. During your consultation, your doctor will get an understanding of your medical history and any treatments you may have attempted in the past. This will help as we analyze your skin and gain a better understanding of how your body may respond to the treatment. This will help us determine which type of solution is best for you.
Natural-Looking Results
One of the primary concerns when considering this type of facial treatment is how you might look after the treatment is completed. You may be nervous about the loss of muscle control or worry that you will look too “plastic” following the procedure.
A careful, conservative approach is used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. This will leave a refreshed, natural look and a new, more youthful appearance. You will also not lose the ability to control facial expressions because the solution used is much milder than with some other brands.
A single treatment session will change the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a significant period of time. It is impossible to state a timeline in an article like this because everyone’s circumstances will vary, but most results last up to five months, with some lasting as long as a year or more.
The treatment is not permanent, however. Over time, as the treatment wears off, your face will gradually return to its previous appearance. There is no abrupt end of efficacy that will leave you feeling shocked and embarrassed. Once the effects start to wear off, you will have plenty of time to renew the treatment.
These are just some of the many wonderful benefits of using Dysport as a facial treatment for fine lines and wrinkles. The best way to gain a more full understanding of what your individual expectations should be is to consult with a physician trained in aesthetic treatments and the Dysport brand.
Call for a Consultation Today
Are you ready to look younger and feel better? Put your best face forward and call us today at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, Illinois to set up a consultation for Dysport treatments. We are happy to answer any questions you may have that may make the decision to use Dysport an easier one.