When you were in your twenties, you probably had a strong, firm jawline and taut skin on your neck. As you get older, the condition of these tissues will change, and the skin on your jawline will loosen. In addition, the tissues on your neck will start to sag. At Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, Illinois, we can fix these issues with Ultherapy.
How Can You Tighten Skin on Your Neck and Jawline? 9 Benefits of Ultherapy
1. It Firms Your Loose Skin
Ultherapy is an excellent way to tighten loose skin on your jawline and neck. When you receive this aesthetic technique, we will use a handheld device to create ultrasound images of the tissues in this area of your body. We will use these detailed images to send ultrasound energy into precise layers within your skin.
Since this energy will easily move through your tissues, we will not cut into your neck or use other invasive techniques to improve your appearance. Instead, controlled amounts of ultrasound energy will pass through the surface of your skin and target the deeper tissues in your neck and jawline. As your tissues react to this sound energy, the loose skin around your jawline will become firmer, and the sagging skin on your neck will improve.
2. It Improves Your Collagen Fibers
Collagen is a naturally-occurring protein that has a significant impact on the appearance of your skin. In fact, collagen is the most commonly found protein in your entire body. When you were in your early twenties, the collagen in your skin was very strong and fibrous. This collagen gave your skin a strong, firm foundation. As a result, your skin was able to bounce back after it was moved or stretched.
The Effects of Age
When you reach your mid-twenties, the collagen in your body will start to change. In particular, your body’s production of this fibrous material will decline by 1% each year. If you are a woman, your collagen will decline even more quickly after you reach menopause.
As the collagen in your skin breaks down, your appearance will change. Your skin will become less elastic, and wrinkles and creases will form on your face. In addition, your skin will be unable to completely resist the effects of gravity. As your dermal tissues continue to weaken, your skin will begin to sag. This change will be especially noticeable on your neck and jawline.
Strengthening Your Skin
Many cosmetic treatments can only produce superficial changes in your collagen fibers. These treatments improve the condition of your tissues by making tiny abrasions on the surface of your skin. As your body fixes these abrasions, the collagen in the top layer of your skin will improve. Although these treatments are good at fixing fine lines and texture issues, they will not improve your deeper tissues.
Our ultrasound energy treatment is different. During your appointment, we will use our special device to send energy into your deeper tissues. This ultrasound energy will improve the condition of the collagen fibers in multiple layers of your skin. Strengthening your skin’s foundational tissues will lift your skin and give you a firm, attractive jawline and neck.
3. It’s Very Gentle
If you have never used ultrasound energy to improve your skin, you might feel a little apprehensive when you schedule your initial treatment. However, this is a reliable, gentle treatment, and we will use specialized methods to maintain your comfort while we improve your neck and jawline.
Preparing Your Skin
Since this is a customized treatment, we will use the techniques that are right for you during your appointment. That said, we are likely to begin your skin tightening treatment by putting a special cream onto your jawline and neck. This cream will contain a topical anesthetic called lidocaine. As we apply this cream to your target area, your tissues will become numb.
Administering the Ultrasound Energy
After we have numbed your neck and jawline, we will put an ultrasound gel onto your tissues. Next, we will use our handheld device to visualizes the deeper tissues in your skin. These images will allow us to carefully direct ultrasound energy into your tissues. As we transmit this energy into your body, you might feel a gentle heating sensation.
Completing Your Treatment
Your skin tightening treatment will usually last for 60 to 90 minutes. After we have finished sending ultrasound energy into your body, we will clean the gel and numbing cream from your neck and jawline. Once your skin is clean, you’ll be able to get up and leave our office. You can go back to your place of work or drive yourself home.
4. You Won’t Have a Long Recovery Period
Although facelifts and other invasive procedures can dramatically improve loose skin, these techniques have very long recovery periods. After you get your procedure, you will need to stay home for a long time. You might use up your personal days or vacation time during this time. In addition, you might have to recruit relatives or friends to help you care for your children, cook meals, and perform household chores.
If you don’t want to take a long break from your routine, you will be pleased to learn that our ultrasound treatment has no recovery period. Since we will not cut into your neck or jawline, you won’t have to deal with incisions or bandages. In addition, you won’t receive general anesthesia or sedation that will prevent you from driving yourself home after your appointment is complete.
5. You Will Probably Be a Good Candidate
If the loose skin on your neck and jawline bothers you, you will probably be eligible for this ultrasound treatment. In general, you should consider using this skin tightening method if you have mild to moderate laxity issues.
Although this is a completely non-invasive technique, it is not a suitable anti-aging method for everyone. In particular, you may be unable to use this treatment if you have very severe sun damage on your jawline or neck. In addition, if you have very lax skin in these locations, you may prefer to use other techniques to fix this issue.
6. Your Skin Will Look Natural
Some aesthetic treatments produce instant changes in your neck and jawline. These immediate, dramatic changes can look startling and unnatural. If your appearance changes very quickly, your friends, family members, and coworkers might realize that you used an aesthetic method to enhance your skin.
A Gradual Change
If you are looking for a subtle way to improve your appearance, you will be pleased with the results of this ultrasound treatment. Since this treatment will create fundamental changes in your tissues, you won’t see immediate improvements in your skin. Instead, your skin will gradually generate new cells. As your skin becomes stronger, the condition of your jawline and neck will start to improve.
Seeing Improvements in Your Skin
Your fine lines and creases will usually improve within about three months. It’s common to see positive changes in your loose skin within about six months. The condition of your target area may continue to improve for up to a year.
7. Your Firm Skin Will Last for a Long Time
Since this treatment improves the condition of the deeper tissues in your skin, the positive changes in your neck and jawline will last for a very long time. Although you will have a unique reaction to the ultrasound energy, your new collagen fibers may improve your skin for several years.
Maintaining Your New Look
If you would like to preserve your firm jawline and neck, you should maintain good habits after you receive your ultrasound treatment. In particular, you should not spend a long time outside when the sun is very strong. Further, you should try to exercise regularly and avoid smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Eating a diet that contains a large amount of sugar and processed foods can cause the collagen in your skin to degrade more quickly. To avoid this problem, you should try to eat natural, unprocessed foods. Further, you should drink adequate amounts of water and avoid consuming too much alcohol. Since stress can also damage your skin, you should use yoga, meditation, or other techniques to manage your emotions.
Getting Follow-Up Sessions
In addition to following a balanced, healthy lifestyle, you can maintain your firm skin by getting follow-up sessions. For example, you might choose to get a touch-up ultrasound treatment every two years. Receiving periodic sessions can be a good way to fix minor sagging issues before they become more severe and difficult to treat.
8. You Can Improve the Skin on Your Chest
Since the skin on your jawline and neck is very mobile and fragile, these tissues are likely to sag and wrinkle before the skin in other areas of your body. However, as you continue to get older, the skin on your upper chest will also become lax and wrinkled. Fortunately, we can use Ultherapy treatments to fix creases and wrinkles in this location.
9. It Can Be Combined With Other Treatments
If you have multiple cosmetic issues, it’s a good idea to receive his skin tightening treatment as part of a comprehensive beauty package.
If you have deep wrinkles on your forehead or around your eyes, you could correct these problems with Botox. This injectable product can fade these wrinkles and correct other aesthetic issues that you develop in the upper area of your face. If you use Botox and ultrasound treatments to improve your skin, the tissues on your upper and lower face will look smooth and attractive.
Eyelash Lift
Receiving an eyelash lift will draw attention to your eyes and make you look more beautiful and youthful. During your lift, we will ask you to close your eyes. Next, we will use a small pad to lift the individual hairs in your eyelashes. This process will usually take about 30 minutes to complete.
Since we will use a non-invasive technique to curl your lashes, you will feel comfortable during your lift. However, we will ask you not to apply makeup around your eyes for the next 24 hours.
Improve Your Neck and Jawline
Developing sagging skin on your jawline and neck will damage your profile and make you look tired or sad. Receiving Ultherapy treatments can correct these aesthetic issues and give you a firm, youthful-looking profile. To learn more about the advantages of using this powerful technique to firm your skin, contact us at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, Illinois.