A double chin can be one of the most difficult aesthetic concerns to treat on the entire body. It can’t really be “exercised away”, and can affect anyone regardless of their age, weight, or lifestyle. But now there’s Kybella, a revolutionary injection that can melt away fat in the chin and reveal a sculpted, stunning jawline underneath. At Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, IL, we’re excited to offer this service and get you on track to feeling gorgeous in your own skin.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Kybella Treatments?
If you’ve been struggling with a double chin that’s leaving you constantly worried about the way you look, you may be a prime candidate for Kybella. We recommend this treatment to those who aren’t so much looking for a “weight loss solution” as they are trying to achieve a cosmetic goal – this treatment isn’t really about shedding pounds! It’s about correcting a part of your face that’s been bothering you so you can feel happier in your body.
Amazingly, the results of this treatment can be permanent if the patient are able to maintain a consistent weight following their injections. For that reason, patients who lead healthy, active lifestyles are ideal. Want to learn more about what to do after treatment, and everything else about it too? Read on.
What is Kybella?
This FDA-approved prescription medicine is minimally invasive treatment that targets and destroys fat cells in the chin. It’s injected with a very fine needle over a few simple sessions. Highly specialised, it can only be used on submental fullness – also known as a double chin – and its targeted nature rest of the face remains completely unchanged. In a clinical trial, a massive 79% of patients in a clinical trial expressing delight at their renewed appearance.
Why Do I Have a Double Chin?
Unfortunately, submental fullness can affect pretty much anyone. It might be because you’ve put on weight or developed extra pockets of fat with age – sometimes it can be both, as raging slows a person’s metabolism. Maybe you’ve just had one your whole life, in which case it’s probably caused by genetics. Since 68% of Americans claim to struggle with a double chin, you’re certainly not alone. But that doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to having one, especially if it’s making you feel insecure.
How Does This Treatment Work?
This treatment is a series of simple injections made into the chin using a very fine needle. The product we use contains the key ingredient “deoxycholic acid”, which is a naturally-occurring acid found in the stomach that breaks down dietary fat. This version is synthetic and designed specifically for eliminating fat cells in the chin and jaw. It works in the same way, targeting these cells and either shrinking them so they release the fat they were storing, or destroying the cells entirely.
In the weeks following these injections, the fluids and fat cells will be flushed from your body through the metabolic process. A more scctructured jawline will gradually develop as your double chin disappears. Incredibly, the body is incapable of regrowing fat cells, so once they’re gone there’s no risk of them coming back. That also means that once you’ve achieved your desired results, you won’t have to come in for any maintenance sessions.
Patients love that because deoxycholic acid is found naturally in the body, there’s a very low risk of having any allergic reaction to a synthetic version. Most bodies don’t treat the medicine as a foreign substance, but are actually very tolerant of it, which makes it an incredibly safe and reliable treatment.
So the Results Really Are Permanent?
Our bodies stop producing new fat cells once we’ve reached adolescence, so once fat cells are destroyed, they’re gone for good. That being said, not all your fat cells will be destroyed during this treatment. Some will only shrink down, and if you put on weight in the future, they could regrow. For this reason, we recommend that patients maintain a healthy lifestyle after their injections, exercising regularly and eating well. This will keep your weight consistent and keep your results lasting and gorgeous!
What Can I Expect From My Treatment?
Ahead of any actual injections, we’ll ask you to come into our gorgeous Oak Brook office for a consutlation. This will be your chance to tell us your cosmetic goals and what you’re hoping to get out of treatment. We can make sure Kybella is a good fit for you. We’ll also examine your medical history and any medication you’re taking to make sure you’re a healthy and eligible candidate.
If everything looks good, we’ll come up with your treatment plan. Patients love that every plan is individually tailored to the client, including how many injections you’ll need across how many sessions. While you may see optimal results after as little as one session, some people require up to six, generally spaced about a month apart.
On the Day
Performed in-house by a member of our expert team, this treatment is incredibly simple and quick, generally only taking between fifteen and thirty minutes! We’ll simply numb the treatment area with a cream so you don’t experience any discomfort, then make the injections. The needle itself is ultra-fine and most patients report not even being able to feel it. Then you’re all done!
Because this is a minimally-invasive treatment, you won’t require a recovery period afterward. You can carry on with your day, whether that’s getting back to work or running errands. No aesthetic means you can even drive yourself to and from our office! We may suggest a few precautionary measures to protect your sensitive skin, including staying out of harsh sun or avoiding rigorous exercise for a few days, but nothing that will disrupt your daily routine.
How Long Does It Take To See Results?
Because the body is flushing out dead cells and fluids, it can take a few weeks to start noticing changes around your chin. Some patients first see differences after two or three weeks, while for others it can take around twelve; it depends on your body and how quickly it sorts and excretes waste. After a few treatment sessions, these results will become more prominent, and then you can enjoy a striking, slim new jawline.
What Are Some Alternatives to This Treatment?
If, during your consultation, we decide that Kybella may not be the most effective option to help with your cosmetic concerns, you don’t need to worry. Here at Rejuvenate Med Spa, we offer several excellent alternatives and will happily talk you through them. Here are just a few of our most popular options.
Other Injectables
Perhaps the root of your cosmetic concerns isn’t fat, but rather sagging skin. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and droops more, forming wrinkles and leading to jowls and a less contoured jawline. This process can be sped up thanks to things like alcohol, a poor diet, fluctuating weight, and sun exposure. If we decide this is the case, we might suggest dermal fillers such as Sculptra, which restore volume in the skin and encourage the growth of new collagen, making the skin tighter and filling out lines and hollow areas.
A groundbreaking, non-invasive alternative to the traditional neck or face lift, Ultherapy lifts the skin while simultaneously smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. It does this using micro focused ultrasound technology, tightening layers of tissue on the face and neck and stimulating the growth of new collagen to restore the skin. If your double chin isn’t just caused by fat, you want to treat a few problematic areas at once, or you’re just interested in seeing how ulstrasound technology could help your skin, you may be interested.
If you want to take on stubborn fat all over your body, you might be interested in CoolSculpting. Like Kybella, it targets fat cells, shrinking them down or destroying them entirely. But rather than doing this using an injection, it actually freezes the fat cells! Frozen fat cells break down in a very similar way to how they do when treated with deoxycholic acid, leaving your body gradually via excretion. Natural-looking results develop over a few weeks, affording the patient a sculpted, toned figure.
Schedule a Consultation Today
If you’re ready to say “goodbye” to the double chin that’s making you self-conscious and uncomfortable in your skin, we’re ready to help you. Kybella’s simplicity and effectiveness can have you enjoying a beautiful, sculpted jawline that makes you look more youthful and slim in just a few simple sessions. To book your consultation, call us today at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oak Brook, IL.