Although it’s common for women to develop facial hair, few want to keep it. For this reason, products and professional services to remove facial hair have become quite profitable. For the sake of convenience and cost saving measures, at-home methods of hair removal have become increasingly common. Two of the most common methods are shaving and waxing. Shaving is acceptable for other parts of the body like legs and underarms, but it isn’t the most effective for the face. Waxing is more suited for use in this area. In fact, professional waxing is likely to be your best option in terms of safety and results. Let’s examine the characteristics of facial waxing vs. shaving for a better understanding.
About Shaving and Waxing
Shaving employs a razor to cut the hair swiftly at the surface of the skin. It does not touch the root beneath. Shaving can be done on a dry face, but this can cause bumps or nicks to sensitive skin. If you choose to shave your face, it might be best to use shaving cream to promote smooth and even blade strokes with less irritation.
Waxing is performed by applying warm, melted wax to small areas, then pressing a strip of cloth or paper to the waxed region. A quick, even pull of the strip in the opposite direction of the facial hair’s growth removes the hair by the roots.
Risks of Shaving
Many people might choose shaving over waxing because it causes less discomfort, especially if a sharp, high-quality razor is used. However, shaving does have its risks. As already mentioned, razors always come with the risk of nicks or cuts. You certainly don’t want to have an unsightly mark on your face or worry about future scars. Also, infections or skin issues are possible if you aren’t careful about using a clean, sanitary razor.
One benefit of waxing is that it eliminates these risks. Since waxing doesn’t involve razors, which can lead to cuts, razor bumps and ingrown hairs, you won’t have to worry about dealing with these issues down the road. Seeing a professional for your facial waxing needs can give you even better results.
Shaving involves a fairly regular cycle of upkeep. Most people who shave will see regrowth within one to three days. Rest assured that the hair really doesn’t grow back thicker, as the old myth says. However, it may still appear that way because of the blunt cutting method of a razor.
Time of regrowth is, perhaps, the most appreciated benefit of waxing. You should be able to go at least two weeks between waxings, and some people can even wait up to a month. An added bonus is that hair often comes back in thinner and less noticeable. It’s possible that it may not even grow back at all in some areas.
Everyone has a preference with regard to personal hygiene methods and maintenance. These are just some of the main differences facial waxing vs. shaving. Because hair removal is such a regular part of most women’s lives, it makes sense to invest in the best option for your needs. If you are interested in having your facial waxing done by a professional, visit Rejuvenate Med Spa. Contact our office in Oakbrook, IL to schedule your consultation!